Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mercury hazardous substances to human health

Mercury is one of the most hazardous substances to human health and also for the environment. For this reason, the European Union has decided to implement the new rules so that you can get to significantly reduce exposure to mercury for humans, plants and animals and thus offer a better future for our children and the planet in which we live.

The European Union has decided to reduce the time of temporary storage of metallic mercury, which can only be stored up to a maximum of 5 years. As for permanent storage have not yet been made ​​final decisions because it is first necessary to try to understand how dangerous it can be a practice of this type.

The storage of metallic mercury can be performed in underground storage in underground deposits are deposits if they are certified by the European Union. All deposits must in fact be one hundred percent safe and should specifically be well insulated from the ground so that there is no loss of mercury, must allow the reversibility of the storage and must then avoid the development of emissions of mercury vapor.

The EU member states will have to adapt to the new guidelines by the end of March 2013.

Mercury exposure for humans

The EU intends to implement all possible measures to reduce the risk of mercury exposure for humans and the environment. Member States shall, in accordance with the Commission Communication to the Council and European Parliament on Community Strategy on Mercury, have until March 15, 2013 to comply with best available techniques for the temporary storage (1 to 5 years) of metallic mercury (indications of the second Directive 2011/97/Ue).

The latest directive authorizes the temporary storage (more than one year) and permanent discharge of metallic mercury, notwithstanding the general prohibition of admissibility 'of liquid waste. For most stocks 'short' but need permission from ordinary. The new criteria established by the EU have the intention to introduce some restrictions limiting the maximum duration of storage at 5 years, needed to conduct further assessments on the effects of permanent storage. To ensure safe storage for human health and the environment, and 'appropriate for the safety assessment for the underground storage is complemented by specific requirements and should also be applicable to non-underground storage depots.

While the above-ground storage conditions should notably meet the principles of reversibility 'of storage, protection of mercury against meteoric water, impermeability' with respect to soils and prevention of emissions of mercury vapor. The measures adopted at Community level is seen as part of a global effort to reduce the risk of exposure to mercury in particular within the Mercury Programme of the United Nations program for the environment.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

regional production from solid biomass in 2009

This rapid proliferation of facilities including large size, favored by the regime of incentives, on the one hand contributes to the goals of producing renewable energy and CO2 savings that our country must achieve in order to meet European commitments and the Kyoto Protocol On the other hand highlights the criticality due to a lack of planning and coordination at national level and limits of the forest sector, which suffers the backwardness due to years of disregard.One of the risks to which they can more easily meet is related to incorrect or approximate assessments regarding the availability of real biomass: theoretical evaluations often at the local level do not take due account of the real difficulties of supply caused by a number of factors such as scarcity of forest companies equipped, the fragmentation of ownership, the difficulty in cutting and skidding to a lack of adequate forest roads, the demand for wood products and any pre-existing proximity to other plants with the same water supply.If so we want to avoid use is made of raw materials from abroad with the cancellation of the environmental benefit, it is hoped that these considerations together with other environmental and economic are placed at the base of each decision-making that relates to the installation of forest biomass.

Evolution of installed capacity and number of plants using solid biomass

In the period considered, the production of energy has risen from 587 to 2,828 GWh (for an average annual increase of 17%), while the evolution of its generation facilities fueled by solid biomass was characterized by an increase in size: the size in 1999 average is 7.9 MW, 8.9 MW in 2009 to arrive.

Availability of woody biomass

The estimates on the availability of woody biomass at the national level varies in a range from 15 to 25 million tons of dry matter in relation to the methodology adopted and sources of the initial data. The potential energy contribution is estimated to be 4 mtoe (million tons oil equivalent). In fact, though there are numerous studies and researches in the field of bio-energy forest, they are generally aimed at territorial limited contexts. That lacks an overview of the geographic distribution of demand and supply of wood fuel.The statistics produced by the GSE S.p.A. note that in the time period between 1999 and 2009, the number of plants using solid biomass (mainly wood chips) is increased according to an average annual rate of 7.8%. From 25 plants in 1999 to get up to 53 plants in Italy in 2009.Evolution of installed capacity and number of plants using solid biomassItaly from 1999 to 2009

Development of forest area

The last decade has seen a marked turnaround, due to the increase in prices of oil and LPG, increased consumption by some specific sectors (eg food) and the availability of technologies that increase yields in domestic heating and allow the use of plant biomass in the medium-large highly automated and policy incentives implemented by the state and regions.

Woody biomass from forests

The woody biomass for their localization in disadvantaged rural areas are a resource that requires a close link between their use and development policies of the marginal areas.In Italy it is estimated that the potential availability of woody material, whether in the form of raw material (the Italian forest area is about 10 million hectares representing 35% of the country) that the activity of forestry residues and wood processing , is very high and adequate to respond to decentralized energy needs with non-negative environmental impacts.Since the advent of methane, the use of wood as the main form of energy for heating has declined drastically and with it the development of an industry that was estimated to be marginal because the firewood was considered an obsolete product, to inelastic demand with respect to income, then destined to be marginalized from the market by the spread of other forms of energy. The use of wood energy from forests has been neglected by the forest policy also did not consider that the presence and development of a demand for firewood could be a powerful stimulus to the development of interventions to improve culture of many degraded forests , by, for example, start-up costs of coppice to altofusti, in addition to supporting forest economy, especially in the Apennine areas and foothills, was and remains fundamentally linked to forms of government to coppice, and thus the production of small assortments.

The exploitation of wood biomass

The term "biomass" is indicated mainly vegetable organic matter, both spontaneous and cultivated by man, land and sea, produced by the processes of photosynthesis with the help of the energy of solar radiation, water and various nutrients.The most abundant types of biomass energy use may be due to the following categories:• the forest biomass and wood industry, resulting from cutting operations and maintenance of the forest, the work of the sawmills, the wood product processing;• agricultural byproducts such as straw, stalks, vine shoots, pruning branches, etc..;• agro-industrial residues, consisting of husks, grape, hazelnut, rice husks, etc.. from the food industry (rice mills, distilleries, oil mills);• energy crops toward the production of herbaceous or woody biomass for direct use (combustion) or for the production of biofuels (short rotation forestry, oil and sugar).• the organic fraction of municipal waste, from the collection from which biogas can be produced.The potential energy contained in biomass can be released directly as heat in the combustion process (using the traditional and dominant), or concentrated in a variety of solid, liquid or gaseous fuels, such as to make it easier to transport and end use through biochemical or thermochemical processes.The solutions vary by type of plant biomass, technology used and the final product (only electricity, combined with heat, only thermal energy). For example, are proven technologies to the direct combustion of biomass in suspension in special furnaces, the grid of fixed or mobile bed of fluidized bed, gasification, pyrolysis and carbonization, which could achieve intermediate solid fuels, liquid and gaseous biogas production by fermentation anaerobic.

Scheme of plant for the generation of electricity-powered solid biomassAlthough the energy produced from renewable biomass is generally considered to be due to the fact that the CO2 cycle is closed (the CO2 released during combustion is equal to that fixed by photosynthesis during growth), in reality the supply chain of any type of biomass requires the consumption of fossil energy (embodied energy) is directly proportional to the number of steps required for the preparation of the product (growing, harvesting, processing, transport, etc..). In general, taking into account the whole chain, with the energy obtained from biomass may result in a savings of 50% to 80% CO2 compared to fossil fuels.Assuming that the development of renewable energy, lowering of CO2 emissions perspective, it is essential that a goal should stretch the policies of all nations, sectors and individual citizens with the adoption of responsible behavior and a major rethink on lifestyle, it is however considered that in addition to the positive effects there are critical issues that must be carefully evaluated and that any intervention that involves consumption of environmental resources while renewable, requires a careful evaluation of potential territorial.The current role of energy from biomass in meeting the overall demand for energy is an issue entered the political and economic debate by investing environmental and social issues, as well as economic, such as competition between biofuels and food production for the use of soil, environmental sustainability in relation to biodiversity, deforestation and emissions from the installation of large size plants for energy production, speculation and distortion of international markets that are likely to further weaken already fragile economies of third countries. You can then give rise to a truly sustainable only if a global and local level will be a balance between critical and drivers. The production of heat or electricity and heat cogeneration systems for decentralized small-medium sized and whose supply chain is linked to a maximum radius of 50 km seems to be, at present, a viable way to increase renewable energy production while minimizing environmental impacts and local resources.